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Bathe to Basics - Basic Conditioner Wood 無矽蘆薈護髮素

Bathe to Basics - Basic Conditioner Wood 無矽蘆薈護髮素

The listed price HK$6.6 is for every 10g.

我們的頭髮及頭皮每一日都受到如陽光的紫外線、吹頭髮時的高溫及環境中的污染物等不同損害。 Basic Conditioner無矽蘆薈護髮素可幫助修復和滋潤您的頭髮,讓它回復健康的同時保持自然的外觀。草本配方以有機蘆薈作基本原料,加入保濕角鯊烷、有機橄欖油、山茶花油及蓖油等滋養植物油,添上海藻精華作額外保濕,再加入水解小麥蛋白及維他命B5為頭髮作修護,即使直接塗抹在頭皮上都不用擔心會產生殘留物!


  • 天然無矽配方,加入有機蘆薈、天然角鯊烷、有機橄欖油、山茶花油及蓖麻油等特別滋潤秀髮的天然成分,有助強健髮質,減少毛躁
  • 水解小麥蛋白能為受損頭髮補充光澤;海藻精華含有豐富氨基酸(促進頭髮生長的重要蛋白質),為頭皮和頭髮添上天然抗氧化能力,對抗進一步的損害
  • 能直接在髮根及頭皮上使用而不用擔心積累殘留物,塗於頭髮上按摩2至3分鐘後沖洗以獲最佳功效


Wood 林木 - 甜橙,鼠尾草和檀香

Our hair and scalp need nourishment after all the abuse we put them through: sun exposure, excessive blow drying, pollution and more. We created the Basic Conditioner to help repair and hydrate your hair back to health while still maintaining a natural look. It is formulated with nourishing plant oils of Organic Olive, Camellia and Castor Oil, we enhanced it with hydrating Organic Aloe Vera and moisturizing Squalane, and an extra touch of moisturising Seaweed Extract, Hydrolysed Wheat Protein and Vitamin B5. Apply it directly to your scalp without worry!


  • A silicon-free formula with rich Organic Aloe Vera, Squalane and natural plant oils. Moisturize and nuture your hair and scalp.
  • Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein retains moisture and imparts shininess to dull, damaged hair. Seaweed extract contains rich amino acids that infuse your scalps and hair with antioxidants to counter any damage
  • Suitable for applying on the scalp without leaving build-up. Leave on hair and massage for 2-3 minutes before rinsing for best result

Dry to normal hair

WOOD - Sweet Orange, Clary Sage and Sandalwood

  • $6.6/10g


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